Using recursion to build unique names

Hey forums,

I built out some code you might want to play with. I wanted to have the flexibility to build out unique IDs for nested elements so I can put multiple versions of a symbol on the stage and not worry so much about naming conventions, except for the top level and then I can make all the code target the unique nested elements.

For each nested element give it a unique class name. In the case of my test I used level1 for the top level, then level2 for the nested element and level3 for the element nested in level2.

So in Hype I have a function called rename:

function rename(hypeDocument, element, event){
var nameList = new Array();
var test = findTopLevelParent(element, “level1”, nameList, hypeDocument);
if(test.length > 0){ = test.join(".")+"."+element.classList[1];
}else{ = element.classList[1];



then in an external js I have this code:

function getWrappedParent(target, hypDoc){
return target.parentElement.parentElement;

function findTopLevelParent(target, targetName, nameList, hypDoc){
var compare = getWrappedParent(target, hypDoc);
var parentName = compare.classList[1];
if(parentName == null){
return nameList;
if(parentName == targetName){
return nameList;
return findTopLevelParent(compare, targetName, nameList, hypDoc);

when I run this the output in the console is as such:


I’m pretty stoked about this because it allows a very simple way to name elements but keep it sensible so you can build out complex structures generically, and target any nested element easily.

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Cleaned the code up some more.

Here is the new rename:

function rename(hypeDocument, element, event){
        var nameList = new Array();
	var test = findTopLevelParent(element,nameList, hypeDocument);
	if(test.length > 0){ = test.join(".")+"."+element.classList[1];
	}else{ = element.classList[1];

and the new findTopLevelParent:

function findTopLevelParent(target, nameList, hypDoc){
	var compare = getWrappedParent(target, hypDoc);
	var parentName = compare.classList[1];
	if(parentName == null){
		return nameList;
	return findTopLevelParent(compare, nameList, hypDoc);
