Use WebKit graphics acceleration causes border to be cut off in Safari


When I have a full-size Rectangle with a 1px border on all sides, the right side gets cut off on my non Retina screen in Safari. However, when I disable the ‘Use WebKit graphics acceleration’ it works as intended.

Any idea?

For illustration purposes:

On all other browsers (Chrome, FireFox, Opera) on both Retina and Regular and on Safari on Retina:

On Safari on regular screen (non Retina):

And the HypeFile: (8.4 KB)

Just one of those things…

Not really sure what this might be. Can you see if it reproduces in the Safari Technology Preview?

I can’t reproduce it in the STP. However, since I’ve installed the STP, I can’t even reproduce it in my regular Safari anymore? It seems to work now? Did STP change anything to my regular Safari?

It shouldn't have... Very odd!

Is it weekend already? :sob:

Anyway weird. I’ll leave it off for now, just to be sure. My ads aren’t that load-heavy anyway.

Yeah you should be good with smaller documents. Issued used to occur when acceleration was turned on, or only on retina.

Hahaha :smiley: