Strange behavior with Framework7

So a while back i came across an amazing mobile framework and made an attempt to utilize it to built its components in hype and animate them as i did with bootstrap in the past. but when i use framework7 it appears to be a completely unstyled htmlbutcwhen I preview in browser it loads the css . I have a sample with a iOS themed CSS and another with material themed CSS

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Can you attach a document please? (47.7 KB)

I included the JavaScript files in the <head> instead of within the rectangle.

I feel like this would be easier to work with outside of Hype, since you’re essentially encapsulating a framework within a framework.

The documentation for this system can be found here: (97.8 KB)

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Thanks @Daniel, i appreciate the help, and about how I’m using a framework in a framework… I disagree… The concept is just like power of symbols. Using Hype i can take my favorite frame works and using a simple boiler plate as a starter, i then tale all the UI components and turn them into a master template then use hype as a drag an drop interface builder…“lego fx” .

Hello Johnny, you managed to finish your project to see how I finally get on hype? We are building something similar too. Thanks for sharing.