Set div height in Wordpress

Hi All.

I sincerely appologise if this has been covered but I have not been able to find a specific answer thus far.

So far so good. I have everything exported and sitting happily in the Wordpress site. It’s working great, scaling perfectly, could not be happier thus far. There is one thing though that I just can not work out…

When setting the hype element, I need to assign a set div height, if I don’t, the container collapses. The width seems not so much an issue but unless the div height is given a ‘min-height’ setting, the container collapses to a teeny weeny thing.

Where this becomes an issue is in the responsive break points. While the hype document scales perfectly, the set hight on the div obviously does not, so I end up with a set dive height across all break points. This becomes an issue where there is content beneath the hype element and to resolve it, I have had to assign custom negative margin-top values for the various breaks; it’s really less than ideal.

Is there a way around this that anyone’s worked out? i’ve tried everything to no avail… :frowning:

Here’s the site

And this is the page where it’s an issue



Not sure if this is relivent to your site but maybe checkout the plugin

Also realy cool site. :+1:

Hey Mark. Yea, I have that installed but it’s not working for me right now - the shortcode is not displaying the content.

And cheers! Hype’s given the project a whole new element.

Bump Someone… anyone?

Please go to the Wordpress thread. If the issue has not already been solved there then post the question there.


Care to pint me there…? I can find topics tagged ‘wordpress’ but not thread in particular…

The wordpress plugin is the post I already pointed you to above !!!

Are you all set here?

Hey Daniel,

Yep, you solved this over on the plugin thread. All very good!

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