Seeking Ad platform templates

If you’ve successfully created and deployed ads with Tumult Hype, please help us build out our Template Gallery by sharing your work (or any portion of it you can share). We’re looking for all sizes, platforms, and a variety of techniques: Expanding ads, banners – you name it.

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Doing a curent campagne.


  • Ad Bundle
  • Wallpaper
  • MCA 30x100
  • Billboard

will leave the files on here once done.

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Thanks @Bendora! Feel free to make individual posts with your files, and do let me know if I can help out.

Hello Daniel,

I will send these files to you via this e-mail.

Hey Daniel...

3 Years in the work and I am currently working with @michelangelo to set up a template page for and then I remembered I have a request from you (star wars reference inc):

"a long time ago in a topic far, far away..."

So when we finish the collection I will send you a copy email to the address you gave me a long time ago. :wink:

Oh, this fine gentleman?

Thanks for checking in, Dennis! Excited to see what you and @michelangelo create :slight_smile:


Oh no you didn’t!
When does one get a Visit? :slight_smile: I hear Germany is nice. :wink:

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oooh thanks!
I'm also the most active HYPEFAN in Italy! :slight_smile:


I hear it’s nice in Oktober?

Indeed it is. But I guess you have a couple of houses in Germany where you are welcome to stay.
Isn’t that right German Hype community? …and the room goes wild!

I for one live in north Germany, near Hamburg.

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