Reseting timelines

hi, I made an animation with several timelines and I would like them to be reseted when clicking on a new timeline, I can see that the previous timelines are still displayed when I go to another one. thank you

I was just looking for this problem. Is this possible?

The easiest way for a full reset is to simply jump to your current scene instantly.

Because you can run multiple timelines that are animating different properties, they don’t represent a specific state but instead can be thought of more as streams of animations. Thus you can’t really jump to time zero on a given timeline and have everything reset; it will only “rewind” for animations that are playing then. The alternative is to jump to time zero for every timeline you have, but at this point it is usually much easier to reload the scene.

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Is there JavaScript that can be run on viewport exit to reload the scene in a symbol

You don't really need JavaScript, but you could just call:


Unless I'm misunderstanding what you are trying to do?

Hi Jonathan,
Have a look at page 2, it’s an example where the case studies play a timeline but they remain opened as you scroll down. While a user can close the popup it looks untidy. To reset one by one is time consuming.

Some pages have a lot of buttons with many timeline actions like this screen recording shows which makes it’s tricky

Ah, I think I gotchya. While it would not be too hard to reset a single timeline if that was all, it seems like you probably have multiple timelines that could be different on different pages.

I'm not sure there's a great solution -- I don't think resetting the entire scene is actually the right approach based on your content. At least, I could imagine a case where:

  • the user plays an animation in section 1
  • the user scrolls part of the way down to section 2, but section 1 has not exited
  • the user plays an animation in section 2
  • the user scrolls a bit further so section 1 is hidden, but section 2 is still primarily visible

If you reset the scene, this would also reset the very visible section 2. This is not what you would want.

I feel like what you'd want is a whole symbol reset; unfortunately this functionality does not exist.

About the only other thing I can think of would be that you could compose the pages of multiple Hype documents. They could either be just sections in a .html page (reset the scene) or within an iframe (reload/reset the src). The iframe one would require the control to be in the parent document, since iframes themselves have their own viewports in regard to waypoints.

Personally I think biting the bullet with running actions to do timeline resets is probably going to be easier than redoing the entire page composition with multiple hype documents/iframes.

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Thanks Jonathan,
Perhaps I need to go back to a non-scrolling page design and stay with a fixed size. It’s been working so far, I was just trying to push the design for myself. Or I could shorten the scroll so I have only 2 -3 symbols on each page. :thinking: