OAM files and Exporting Issues


I created a simple hype animation that also pulls coded elements from external html files. I wanted to create an OAM file so it can be self-contained. I am having some issues here - When it exports it doesn’t include the html files and it doesn’t recognize these files when I manually insert them into the OAM. After I re-zip and rename to OAM then try to insert into a MUSE doc or html it doesn’t recognize the new OAM after I had zipped it. It throws an error that says: One or more files is not in the supported format. Should I also add the html paths to the xml inside the oam?

What am I doing wrong? Any help/advice would be appreciated.

One thing to keep in mind when re-zipping OAM files is that you’ll need to make sure that the files are not inside a folder when you re-zip them. So select the files and then add those to a file as a zip – don’t zip any top-level folders. If that’s not the issue can you share your exported OAM and your modified OAM file?

Can you explain what I’m looking at and which OAMs you created and which you exported?

I’m sorry, the oam in the root of the ‘For Daniel’ directory is the export from Hype - you will see no accordian directory with html files inside there.

in the folder directory the .zip file is my modified zip with accordian directory(folder) added that I then change to .oam extension. I zipped it using the process you recommended , then i would change the .zip to .oam and use that to embed.

It might be this isn’t the right way for me to do this.

The XML file within the assets folder defines all the files used in the Muse file, so my guess is that the OAM import process is having issues handling those new folders in /accordian/ since they are not listed.

If you are just trying to embed this document within a Muse project, you could use the absolute URL of the exported JavaScript file. Here’s a bit more info on that process, which involves first hosting your exported document on the web: Howto: Embedding an OAM widget within Adobe Muse