Making the most of Hype: Documentation, Tutorials and Gallery


Get Inspired

  • Check out our gallery, which features work users have submitted to us. (You can even download their Hype documents, to see exactly how they were made!).
  • The Animation Gallery on the forums has an incredible collection of recent work
  • Join the Hype Universe Newsletter, featuring incredible animations, techniques and lessons for creating animations, and industry news from your friends at Tumult.

I need help...

If you're new to Tumult Hype, visit our FAQ. We want to make sure you get the highest quality support. Here’s a few tips so we can help you best:

Try a search on our forums

Have a tough question? Use the search button at the top of the page:


We’ve answered 3,000+ questions on our forums ranging from basic questions to advanced JavaScript questions--so your answer may be in there! For example, if you’re having trouble stopping a Youtube video when changing scenes, search for Youtube video stop on scene change in the forums search area. Results will appear as you type.

You can find a search box at the top of this page. If you have a related question to one already in our forums, please reference its URL. Whenever you search, articles written by a 'Team Tumult' user is a member of Tumult.

Ask a question

This community thrives when we can tackle hard questions together: sharing these answers and techniques drives that quality of Hype animations up, and often informs the feature release schedule for Hype itself. Please keep questions related to Hype or Whisk, not unrelated JavaScript or web technology questions.

Using Discourse (this forum software) should be easy to pickup. Please read the forums FAQ to learn how to make the most of this forum. When you signup, you'll also receive an email that explains how to quickly navigate these forums.

Attach your document in your question

You can attach a zip file of your Tumult Hype document directly on the forums by dragging it into the writing interface. There's a maximum file size of 4MB, so if you're file exceeds that, use Dropbox or a file sharing service.

If you want to share your file privately with us, send your .hype file with Hype's built in bug reporter. With your file open, go to Help > Report an Issue… and add it as an attachment. Here is what that interface looks like. You can also email us directly and attach files here.

Browsers are different.

Let us know what browser you’re seeing your issue in. Some techniques don’t work in IE, and some things don’t work in Firefox, so please let us know what browsers or devices you’re targeting. Example: I’m testing in Firefox 14, Chrome 18, and Safari 5.1 (all on a Mac). We have access to the most common operating systems, browsers, and devices.

Found a bug in Hype? Awesome, we want to hear about it! But we also need a lot of information so we can diagnose. Here’s a sample bug report:

Hey! I noticed that the .mp4 video I have added to my Hype document isn’t working in Firefox. Can you take a look? (I’d like it to work in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. I’m testing on a Mac, but I’ve also uploaded it to Login | HSTS Redirection Community) My Hype document is attached.

Share an Answer

If you found a great solution to one of your problems, share it in the Tips and Tricks category, or respond to a thread about the problem you solved. Sharing knowledge is what this place is all about.

Keep it clean & Kind

If something can (or should) be removed from the forums or is a duplicate of a better thread, click the Flag icon at the bottom of a post and send a message to a moderator.

Our goal is to help you make awesome stuff with Tumult Hype!

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