Is there a way to position relative to other elements instead of absolute positions?

Can I specify placement of an element relative to another one - example can we specify position of a circle as 20 pixels from the bottom of a rectangle above it? The rectangle is scalable and fits the width and height of the viewport so we do not really know the absolute height of the rectangle…

I am using hype 3.5 pro and tried unpinning the circle to make it float but that didnt work either.

Attached the hype document here… (18.0 KB)

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group them and apply … to the group

Thank you again Hans… It works but there is one issue with it. I am unable to scale the rectangle to fit the width and height of the viewport. if I group it.

When I group and use zoom the width of the rectangle fits the screen width but the height is not adjusted to fit the screen height and instead it scrolls.

I do not want the rectangle to be scrolling - i wanted the rectangle to fit the height of the screen too.

hypes basics are animating with absolute positioning. the added reponsiveness feature is clearly limited. advanced requirements will lead in custom solutions :slight_smile:

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