Google (DFP) DoubleClick for Publishers Export Script

Im looking for an export script for Google (DFP) DoubleClick for Publishers with the 2018 Specs? That is if there is one but looking at below thread I dont think theres a need.

Is the below thread by @Daniel still applicable today in regards to uploading to DFP - Anyone?

I would think this advice is still apt but may have changed for 2018 slightly.

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Check out the attached document: (187.3 KB)

In the <head> I’ve added:

<script src=""></script> 

<script type="text/javascript">
 var clickTag = ""; </script>

I also have my click exit set to run this function inside of Hype:

Next, export like so:

Then add the exported folder to a zip file and upload that Zip file to DFP. Let me know if that works as expected for you.

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Perfect, I’ll try this out, thanks Daniel.

This actually doesn’t work – writing up a better method.