Browser mistakenly loads iphone layout

Hi there, i made 3 layouts for my site, iphone, ipad and desktop.

When I preview it in the browser, it looks fine - but once i put it online, the browser on my mac loads the iphone layout - any idea why this is happening? The site is

Does your browser also load the iphone layout? A narrow text and video…

The breaking points are 320 for iphone, 768 for ipad and 1200 for desktop.

I get the iPhone Layout too, just to confirm.

Ok thx. I will have to delete the iphone layout until i find out why…

Has anyone else experienced this?

This seems to be loading the desktop version now – are you all set?

Hi Daniel, it loads the desktop version because I deleted the iPhone and iPad layout.

Do you have any suggestions to why the laptops loads the iphone and ipad layout instead of desktop?

Thanks, Jacob

Could you create a separate folder on your server that shows this issue? It would also be helpful to get a copy of your .hype document. If you’d prefer not to share here, could you send send me a personal message? (Click ‘private message’ here).