Where does Hype store its preferences?

I recently moved my system and application folder to an PCI SSD with the user folder still on the old HD.
Since then Hype no longer can “find” any of the browsers to preview.
Both Hype and the browsers are in the same application folder.

Browsers are in the Hype drop down list but don’t launch anything when trying to preview and the preview icon changed to a ‘blank’ itself.

I was thinking of deleting the preference file in the hope to fix this, or maybe someone has a better idea?

The list of browsers is based on applications that can open HTML files, so it appears that your system is not aware of browsers you have installed. You might want to try opening all the installed browsers you have so that your system becomes aware of them? After a Hype restart they may appear.

Or, you could move your browsers back to your main hard drive’s application folder.

Hmmm, :slight_smile: I launched Firefox from the old HD and Hype found it, but Safari isn’t found by Hype.
I launched Hype from the old HD and still no go on Safari.

Any way to fully re-install Hype to see if that fixes my problem?

Can you try a restart of your computer first?

Hype learns from the OS what programs support .html files, so reinstalling it won't fix your issue. The system is called LaunchServices and it can be rebuilt by following these steps if you are unable to move your applications back to where they were when they were installed.

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The issue is generally that since OS X 10.7.3, Apple has required apps to be sandboxed. This means that while you may be able to store browsers anywhere and run them, Hype itself can’t run/launch those browsers if they are outside of specific folders. More funny is that OS X lets us know where they are, but won’t let us know until much later whether or not we can actually run them.

In general, to avoid this, keep all of your browsers in /Applications/.

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\o/ Whohoo! That fixed it!

Thank you, both, you’re the best.