What is AMP(Automated Mobile Pages)?


I found this term recently and interested to know about it. Is it related to Designing, development or SEO?

The actual term is Acelerated Mobile Pages and it’s an open source initiative to create content for mobiles that is optimized and served across all mediums instantly.

It’s loosely based on the premise of “mobile first” design and is slightly different in mark-up than the usual HTML5 document. More info at Google developers. :arrow_down:


It is needed for example if you wanted to be included in the new google search carousel for mobiles.


Just switched AMP on for our blog. If you visit https://blog.tumult.com/2016/05/20/happy-fifth-birthday/amp/ you will get our 'Amp’ed page, which is optimized for load speed. Google will serve this to mobile users if their search terms match:

More info here: https://amphtml.wordpress.com/2016/08/02/amp-your-content-a-preview-of-amped-results-in-google-search/amp/