Using Hype with DoubleClick ads & video

I created an ad using Hype that will be served via Google DoubleClick. The ad contains video and everything works fine when running locally. As soon as the ad is uploaded to DoubleClick, the video no longer plays. In fact, in Chrome it is serving the OGV video when it should be serving the MP4. I tested in all browsers and the video can be heard, but not seen. I spoke with a representative at Google, and they say they do not support Hype. My guess is the videos sent to DoubleClick Studio get put on their CDN and the video paths are adjusted accordingly. Hype doesn’t seem to use the tags, which I think DoubleClick sniffs for.

Has anyone else gotten video to work in DoubleClick Studio or has seen this issue? If so, how did you solve it? I think it has something to do with how Hype outputs the HTML. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


My first guess is that it’s DoubleClick, specifically restricting the kind of media you can serve out in the first place. That the Ogg file plays while the MP4 does not is probably an important clue.

Hanged if I know what it really means, though.

I looked into this issue. Fundamentally video on DoubleClick is served from a different location than images, scripts, and stylesheets. On a typical HTML5 ad, they will scan the HTML and make replacements to this new URL. However, Hype’s structure is sufficiently opaque and it cannot do the replacement. Instead Hype looks for the video in a path relative to the .hyperesources folder and then gets a 404 from DoubleClick.

The good news is that Google’s JavaScript Enabler API has a way to get the correct path given the original path that Hype expects. While the best solution would be better support for this within Hype, with a bit of JavaScript you can get videos working in DoubleClick.

The way I accomplished this myself was that I added a global listener for the HypeSceneLoad event. When this is fired, I scan through the scene and replace any video source element src attributes with the one provided from Enabler.

So here’s the code that I added to the Head HTML of my document for the video to be displayed within DoubleClick’s preview:

	<script src=""></script>
	<script type="text/javascript">
      var clickTag = "";
	if (!Enabler.isInitialized()) {
	} else {
	function enablerInitialized() {
	  // Enabler initialized.
	  // In App ads are rendered offscreen so animation should wait for
	  // the visible event. These are simulated with delays in the local
	  // environment.
	  if (!Enabler.isVisible()) {
	  } else {
	function adVisible() {
		// do not try to load a scene if the Hype document isn't loaded
		if(window.HYPE == null || HYPE.documents == null) {
		// find the document and load the first scene now
		for(var documentName in HYPE.documents) {
			if(HYPE.documents.hasOwnProperty(documentName) == false) {
			var hypeDocument = HYPE.documents[documentName];
			if(hypeDocument.sceneNames().length <= 0) {

	// do not show a scene until the Enabler is loaded
	function documentLoadCallback(hypeDocument, element, event) {
		if(window["Enabler"] == null || Enabler.isVisible() == false) {
			return false;

		return true;
  	// on scene load, replace any relative video source URLs with the Enabler's absolute URL
  	function sceneLoadCallback(hypeDocument, element, event) {
  		// only look in the current scene
		var sceneElement = currentHypeSceneElement(hypeDocument);
		if(sceneElement == null) {
		// replace each source
		var sourceElements = document.getElementsByTagName("source");
		for(var i = 0; i < sourceElements.length; i++) {
			var sourceElement = sourceElements[i];
			// sanity checks			
			if(sourceElement.parentElement == null || sourceElement.parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != "video" || sourceElement.getAttribute("src").length == 0) {
			// find the Enabler URL
			var videoURL = Enabler.getUrl(sourceElement.getAttribute("src"));
			// do the replacement
			sourceElement.setAttribute("src", videoURL);
  	// utility function to get the current scene - unsupported and may change in the future
  	function currentHypeSceneElement(hypeDocument) {
  		var documentElement = document.getElementById(hypeDocument.documentId());
		var hypeSceneElements = documentElement.getElementsByClassName("HYPE_scene");
		for(var i = 0; i < hypeSceneElements.length; i++) {
			if(hypeSceneElements[i].style["display"] == "block") {
				return hypeSceneElements[i];
		return null;

	// setup event listeners to listen for document and scene loads
	if("HYPE_eventListeners" in window === false) {
		window.HYPE_eventListeners = Array();
	window.HYPE_eventListeners.push({"type":"HypeDocumentLoad", "callback":documentLoadCallback});
	window.HYPE_eventListeners.push({"type":"HypeSceneLoad", "callback":sceneLoadCallback});


I’d generally call this “unsupported” since it relies on a lot of details on the Hype runtime and how we even place videos in the scene. But it will work for 3.0.

We’ve been getting a lot more requests from the Ad world, so I’d definitely like to improve support for exporting to DoubleClick and other advertising platforms. If you’re working with one, feel free to get in touch because we’d like to hear more about your needs!


Sorry to revive an old thread but came across this issue again. Thankfully your fix above seems to work. However it’s a bit odd because videos would work fine with Chrome… and firefox etc but it was only Safari that would break. Including the above in the banners HEAD fixes it across the board though.

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Hi is there a template for this that can be downloaded please?

There’s not a template with this functionality right now.

In Hype v3.6 we introduced a feature called Export Scripts and made one for DoubleClick Studio, but t doesn’t have this functionality right now. I added a feature in v3.6.2 to specifically help with this, and I’ll be including it to an update in the export script soon; I hope to have it out in a few days! I’ll post here when it is ready.

This functionality is now available with the latest version of the DoubleClick Studio export script. Videos in an ad should just work now!

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