Strong Nuclear Force animation

I'm trying to do an animation showing two protons colliding (almost) I put up an ellipse element. Alt-drag to create a second one. Move them to opposite sides of the view port and apply Dynamic Full Physics. I keyframe each element moving toward each other. The two pass right though each other. Since this is the strong Nuc Force I really want them to get close to each other and then bounce away from each other. Nothing I have tried seems to work. Could some one give me a hint please?

ClarkW (12.8 KB)

with gravity = 0 ... would be my approach

Don't know if this helps but here is an animation using a custom transition without physics.

Back Lag Custom (23.5 KB)


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yes, for a manageable count of elements i'd recommend a handmade animation too as it simply offers more control on finetuning your anmiation!

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Here is one in which I have configured the direction of gravity 270° and increased gravity to .40%. I also added a repelling void that expands to potentially increase the elements spacing. But I can only control the direction of fall globally and not independently.

half_physics_r2 (24.3 KB)

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These were all excellent. I especially like the half-physics example. I made thee static wall transparent.
Thank you so much for your assistance.
This has put me on the right path.

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if you want to play around: a symbol can have its own physics world ...

Is there a tumult Tutorial (in-depth) about physics? Besides the demo of the Castle and Cannon? Something showing how each attribute is alien and what it is doing?

This document covers most aspects of the built in Physics tools in Hype. It is missing some of the newer Matter.js developments. Is there a specific aspect you're hoping to learn?

But how do you get the dynamic object to move?
So Here is what I tried:

  1. Set an eclipse object (actually circle).
  2. Move it to top center of view.
  3. Change its physics to dynamic with gravity set to 1 and ange set to 180 degrees
  4. Place a rectangle at bottom of view
  5. Stretch out rectangle to be a thin table top across view
  6. Set physics of rectangle to static
    These two elements should interact. Tutorial says that by pressing play the physics should take over and the ellipse should move straight down. It does not.
  7. Add motion path to move ellipse until it hits the table.
    Now the elipse moves until it hits the table and just stops.

What am I missing?

You can use animations to push an object in a direction. When that animation stops, any physics properties applied to that object will still apply. So it will use its known momentum to behave as a regular object in the physics world. So a 'push' from an animation will give a physics object momentum, and you can then have physics take over after that initial movement. Here's an example where I have the ellipse in scene 2 continue after a motion path animation. I have the motion path run an 'ease in' easing transition so it is a bit more physics-like: (21.6 KB)

Scene 1 is pure physics -- no animations.