Start and stop an animation

I have been playing around with Hype 4 and would like to be able to start and stop an animation on the same line. For example someone walking - stopping - then continue walking. Is that possible?


In general, you can add Timeline Actions to pause and play a Timeline. Doing that would pause and play respectively all animations playing on that timeline. You can add Timeline actions by double clicking in the timeline.

This would be a very simple example how you can achieve this by making use of a play- and a pause-button:

  • Create any animation e.g. on the Main Timeline
  • Pause the Main Timline (by inserting a Timeline Action - like Hrishikesh described - or in the scene panel on scene load)
  • Create a play- and a pause-button (make sure, they have identical positions)
  • Make the pause-button invisible (element panel)
  • Create a new timeline (for the button change)
  • Add a display keyframe to either the pause- and the play-button
  • Make the play-button visible
  • Make the pause-button invisible
  • Add a another two display keyframes to the pause- and the play-button at 00:01,00
  • Make the play-button invisible
  • Make the pause-button visible

Now add actions to the buttons:

continue Timeline -> Main Timeline
goto Time in Timeline -> buttonChange -> 00:01,00

pause Timeline -> Main Timeline
goto Time in Timeline -> buttonChange -> 00:00,00

That´s it. Not that hard… :grinning:

Best regards, Kalle (15.4 KB)


Thank you for the information. Will give it a try.