For some crazy reason. The SVG code I pasted from Sketch stopped rendering in the hype “workspace”. It shows up in in the preview panel and the browser but not the “workspace”. I pasted several other SVGs with no problem. Then just suddenly this started happening. I have restarted both programs and my computer. I also reviewed the SVG Code in a text editor and I still can’t figure this out. Is this a known bug?
I have included a screen shot. The red line doesn’t render. If anyone knows how to
fix this issue thanks in advance.
Just case someone needs help with this.
Check the x=“0” y=“0” in the SVG code sometimes these position values are outside of the Hype object. Doesn’t seem to matter in the browser at least not in Chrome. However, in the Hype workspace, I see nothing.
I wish Hype had Sketch integration.