Responsible Layout works on reflect but not hosted

ResLayout works on reflect but as soon as I hoste it on the internet server, its not working and in landcape always shows 768 pix.
Viewport is set to: 1024px (Document)
(On iPad iOS10.1)

Are you able to share a document or a link?

Hi Daniel,
thanks for youre attention.

It looks like that page is loading your document in a frame. Can you adjust your site so that the page is directly loaded and not placed within an iframe? You can do this by exporting it as the name ‘index’ and placing it at most top level part of your web server.

This will take advantage of the ‘viewport’ property generated by Hype which helps the responsive layout feature work on mobile devices. You’ll notice that works a bit better on iPads.

Hi Daniel,
I think I solved it and changed the diversion methode.
It was a very helpful hint.
Thanks a lot.

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Sorry, but I have to bother you ones more.
After working some more steps on the page, there will be no pictures displayed anymore. How ever its working on Reflect and its working on dropbox
but not via Folder on the WEB hoster service.
What may this be ?
I have exported several times an loaded up to the hosting … but no effect.


Can you double check that it is within the I-Reise folder?

If that’s not the case, can you send me a private message and I’ll take a look at your server.

Hi Daniel.

I have also brought this topic to the attention of the hosting company cause I figured that the same (hype) file has different behaviors on different hosting servers.
So it doesn’t seems to be a problem with the file than rather with the server processing.