Pro Features Request

Hi Guys, I love Hype but I wanted to share some things that I think would be super useful.

First, the ability to easily export the project into a standalone app that can play independently of a web browser would be amazing.

Second, being able to designate a couple of buttons as a global back and forward buttons that tracks scenes loads at the very least would be tremendously helpful. I am talking about something that works natively without using a 3rd party, internet based solutions like Google Analytics or GoStats. Scenes and other actions could have a option to opt into/out-of global tracking.

Lastly, it would be really cool if you you could select more than one scene in the browser and modify similar options all at once. For example I would like to select all my 57 scenes and modify the swipe states all at once.

Thanks for Reading.

I've mentioned that too. Hype really should export to App. Right now, it exports to an OS X Widget. While I am surprised at how easily I can make OS X Widgets, they're falling out of fashion. It's really just a feature for iBooks Author.

If it's not Internet based, how would the tracking data be sent back? Why not use Piwik?

I think the bigger way to phase this is some sort of easy way to communicate with a server. That way, all sorts of data could be sent... like High Scores for online games. I think that's a bit out of the scope of Hype though.

Hey Michael,

The Back/forward buttons I am requesting doesn’t need to be tied to any fancy analytics. Just simple inter-scene tracking so there can be an easy way to do forward and back buttons that track non-linear navigation through a hype project.

Having a hype native scene tracking behavior for a set of global buttons would be useful for exporting a standalone app too.

I am talking about something more along the line of a global undo/redo button that scenes can opt into. Even like 10 undo’s would be useful in a standalone kiosk setting.

Well, I cover this partially in my book. (It's getting close to complete.) Perhaps I should go into more detail. (I suppose I could add another section about it.) Basically, buttons can be dynamic. By using the ID name of the button, such as "Forward" / "Back", and a Persistent Symbol, a navigation menu can be created. (When the back button is pressed, it knows to go back a scene. when the "Forward" button is pressed, it knows to go forward.) I use numbers as scene names, which makes it easy to manage with JavaScript.

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I think he means like a "history" back and forward button. So say you have a menu with 5 items pertaining to 5 scenes and you click scene 5 then the back button would take you to the "previous" scene (scene 1 in this instance) not the previous scene in the chain. I think that's what he means? I may be wrong :smile:


I think that's what he might mean too. Although, it's the same idea. With each forward click, the scene names would be added to an array. The back button would grab the last scene added to the array.

Yes, I just mean a global back and forward like a web browser, but independent of the web browser. Something that can track non-linear navigation.