Onboarding with Hype


So I have an question, I am working on releasing a new course learning system built on Hype and there are some nifty design changes for students in store. What I want to do is display and on boarding Hype tutorial guiding them through the features and once their done, they can start the course. The problem is that I only want it displayed the first time the student visits the course html page. My course and Tour html files are separate html document.

I have tried using the local storage API on Javascript, however, I didn’t get very far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


to get this work by user (not locally installed hardware/software) you’ll have to rely on serverside storage, which would depend on a login for every user …

why not just provide the guide and also a skip-buttom¿

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Thats actually a great idea (adding the skip button) Thanks!