Not able to store custom data with hypedocument object or hypedocument.customData

I tried to use hypeDocument.customData and hypeDocument[“anyData”] , but I don’t see it working. Value after assigning any value comes undefined.

 if ( ! hypeDocument.customData )
 hypeDocument.customData = {} ;
 hypeDocument.customData.myVar = 123 ;
 alert( hypeDocument.customData.myVar) ;

 if ( ! hypeDocument["myVar"] )
 hypeDocument.["myVar"] = 123 ;
 alert( hypeDocument["myVar"] ) ;

Alternatively I am right now using window.myVar , that is working. What am I doing wrong above ?

your first example should work, but only applies if customData is not valid.
the second example makes use of the wrong quotes.

It’d be good to post a zip of the .hype document if you can; in this case there might be an issue in when/how it is called more than the code itself (which at a glance looks okay).

I’d also recommend taking a glance at the developer tools console log of the browser and see if that reports anything.


I'm am assuming you are using the Beta version as if you are checking for ! hypeDocument.customData then the "myVar" key never gets assigned a value.

If you are using the non-Beta version then the customData object and associated key: value would get set and should alert "123".

This is what Hans has said. Also he mentions an error in your code which I will highlight

if ( ! hypeDocument.customData ) {
	hypeDocument.customData = {} ;
	hypeDocument.customData.myVar = 123 ;
} else {
	hypeDocument.customData.myVar = 123 ;
alert( hypeDocument.customData.myVar) ;

if ( ! hypeDocument["myVar"] ) {
	hypeDocument["myVar"] = 123 ; // no . before [

alert( hypeDocument["myVar"] ) ;

This code will work for both Beta and non-Beta. As Jonathan mentions though, an example would go along way to narrow down the exact cause as I'm guessing here as to what you've done.


Maybe a better look :stuck_out_tongue: i.e the . before the [ :smiley: