How would I create a master symbol that can be instanced (duplicated in the timeline rather than duplicated in the resource folder) and contain nested symbols? Additionally, I need to create a handful of variables that will ONLY affect the symbol object level instead of globally. Could I attach a variable to an ID?
For example:
- Timeline: Recipes
- Timeline: FDA values
- Timeline: Feedback
- Timeline: Ingredients
- Timeline: FDA values
- Timeline: Feedback
MASTER SYMBOL - Ingredient
- Timeline: Nutrient
- Timeline: FDA values
- Timeline: Feedback
In each symbol above, I need variables that only apply to it’s object. So for Meal, I want to create the following variables:
- Type
- Title
- Reference to meal pic in the resource folder
I need these to be variables because I need to do a lot of custom animation across different states on each timeline.
So let’s say I define them as:
- Mediterranean
- Turkish meal
- turkish-meal.png (via ${resourcesFolderName}/)
Here’s the hard part. I do the same for a recipe symbol:
- Type: Dessert
- Title: Baklava
- Resource: baklava.png (via ${resourcesFolderName}/)
And now I want to simply drop an instance of the recipe symbol into the meal symbol. But I don’t want their variables to overwrite one another.
Is there some way to designate the recipe card ID as “baklava” and then define a variable that is scoped to only that symbol? Something like this?
- Manually change a symbol ID to “symbol1”
- Set variables:
var symbol1 = ["Dessert", "Baklava", "baklava.png"];
for (symbol1) { var type = symbol1[1]; var title = symbol1[2]; }
- In a text field in instance 1 of the recipe symbol:
hypeDocument.getElementById('myTitle').innerHTML = title;
So in another instance of the recipe symbol, I could just change:
var symbol2 = [“Salad”, “Caesar salad”, “salad.png”];
and it would not overwrite the variables used in symbol1
and it would not overwrite the variables even if symbol2 is nested inside symbol1.