… I’m in process of learning how to use different JS functions within Hype using tumult.com/hype/documentation
and got a couple of questions I haven’t found answers to in online docs:
Why when putting a js-function as ‘Run JavaScript’ action directly into Timeline or as Pointer Action,
it cannot be executed more than once at the same Timeline / Scene? Is it possible to override this restriction and ‘restart’ the js function?
Why some js-functions only work when put into ‘On Scene Load’ in the Scene inspector but they don’t work directly on a Timeline as Timeline Action? What should I be aware of to recognize it whether I can make a js-function work directly on a Timeline or not?
The Rule of thumb is that JS functions can be called from the Timeline or Inspector Action more than once or both.
Regardless the JS will always be called but what it does when it runs is the case-specific nature of what the JS does when it is run.
There are no restrictions in the way you originally implied., you just have code with the correct logic (and syntax) that can carry out what you intend