Help for an image in a container

Hello I hope you can help me I want an image that is chosen, it is inside a container in full screen
this is the project, if there is already a similar topic sorry (479.7 KB)

I think the request is lost in translation.
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Hola buenos días, lo que no puedo hacer es que al seleccionar la imagen de una escena pase a la siguiente a pantalla completa, ya que en el proyecto que subí se queda en miniatura, intente con background: cover pero no me funciona

Now I understand:

first you will need to fix your code. Please be advised that every time Hype change a scene it might update or refresh content. So, it is good practice to change scene first and then manipulate the content. In your case, leave your function call ① but remove the scene switch ② as we will put that into the function call.

In your function add the scene switch there ① and add set backgroundSize to cover ②.

Hope that help.

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it works, Thank you

You can also remove ① for better quality:

CleanShot 2020-09-13 at 21.03.03@2x

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