Form's Input Element no lounger showing in browser

I’ve been working on a Form using Text element as Input Element. Everything was going well till this week when I needed to add a new Input Element, the latest element structure is identical to all others… but no lounger show up in any browser. I’m struggling since last week to complete my module but still no luck with the latest field. I looked through the HTML code (produced by Hype) I can see the “<input…” is not within the “div” where it should be. Is that a new bug introduced with v4.0.5? Help, I’m on the window edge, ready to jump, but the first floor is not high enough, so I’ll have to jump too many time to difinatly end my torture… and my problem would still be there…

We’re here to help out, but we need an example file to dive in :balloon:

Sometimes this can be either the opacity or display settings in the Element inspector that causes this.

Hi Daniel,

First thank for your answer.

While cleaning up a «demo» version to let you see the object of my strugging
I was trying to only keep the relevant script and I found that out:

Old code:

/* 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /
2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /
3 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rSujet”).innerHTML = “” ;
4 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rPrenom”).innerHTML = “” ;
5 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rDate_naiss”).innerHTML = “” ;
6 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rNas”).innerHTML = “” ;
7 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientNumeroCivique”).innerHTML = “” ;
8 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rApt_adresse_globale”).innerHTML = “” ;
9 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientRue”).innerHTML = “” ;
10 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientVille”).innerHTML = “” ;
11 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientProvince”).innerHTML = “” ;
12 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rCodePostal”).innerHTML = “” ;
13 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rPermis_de_conduire”).innerHTML = “” ;
XX */ /hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rFichierUpload”).innerHTML = “” ;
14 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rDiplome”).innerHTML = “” ;
15 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rNo_de_reference”).innerHTML = “” ;
16 */ hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rCommentairesV2_Caliss”).innerHTML = “” ;

Modified code: (working version…)
/* 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /
2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< /
3 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rSujet”).value = “” ;
4 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rPrenom”).value = “” ;
5 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rDate_naiss”).value = “” ;
6 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rNas”).value = “” ;
7 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientNumeroCivique”).value = “” ;
8 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rApt_adresse_globale”).value = “” ;
9 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientRue”).value = “” ;
10 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientVille”).value = “” ;
11 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rClientProvince”).value = “” ;
12 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rCodePostal”).value = “” ;
13 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rPermis_de_conduire”).value = “” ;
XX */ /hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rFichierUpload”).value = “” ;
14 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rDiplome”).value = “” ;
15 / hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rNo_de_reference”).value = “” ;
16 */ hypeDocument.getElementById(“rMandatory_rCommentairesV2_Caliss”).value = “” ;

So as you can see, by replacing « innerHTML» with «value» the last Element «rMandatory_rCommentairesV2_Caliss» (which was no longer showing) out of the sudden
was back in my browser.

But I’m still puzzled, this form was working for months and suddenly stop; but only for the
last Input Element… (could it be a coincidence with v4.0.5?)

So it is now SOLVED!

Thank you!

I'm also puzzled. If you see this again let me know and I'll take a look.

My head hurts looking at these lines :wavy_dash: