Control mouse of main timeline

Hello everyone!
What is code for control of timeline within mouse position?
For example, this effect had realized in Edge Animate

How I can make this in Hype?

My code. It works uncorrent. Event mousemove run only once on group. (84.6 KB)

Are you trying to do a parallax scrolling effect.
Here is a tutorial that was posted in the forums for survey Legend that shows how to set this up.

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Hi hellofedorov,

as you’ve already discovered, it’s mostly the same as in another thread …
You’ve been quite near to a solution :slight_smile:

try it like this: (84.8 KB)

Nice day



And here’s the full blog post related to the tutorial @nick shared above:

Let us know if you have any Qs.

Yeah, it works :smile:
But I don’t understand what is mean
$( ".HYPE_scene" ) in code. Is it class of current scene? And if I have a few scenes? How rename this class?

Fine :smile:
you can use any domelement that fits your needs instead of class ‘.HYPE_scene’ .

Simply add a class or id to your element that represents the area on which you want to catch the onmousemoveevent then replace ‘.Hype_scene’ with ‘.yourClass’ or ‘#yourId’.

Nice day :smile:

Oh, I know this, I had not understood where is class .hype_scene come from. But when I viewed on code I understood, that .hype_scene is a main container with all elements of scene.

This class is created a HYPE.min.js. All right?

In context of this animation. How I can run JS(mousemoveToTimelineDest.js) in On Scene Load after I clicked on object in this scene (rest)?

How I can apply code to some scene? hypeDocument.showSceneNamed() only transition on another scene.

And the last question :slight_smile: Where is a full documentation of JavaScript in Hype 3.0 ?


those are the links to the hypetopics:
Watch the Hype 3 Demo Video:

Read documentation on new features:

Discuss on the forums:

Hype Pro Teaser page:

Your questions;

as written above there is no need to run onmousemove on class ‘.HYPE_scene’.just catch another element that fits your needs. to apply the script on any touch or click-behaviour instead of sceneload use hypes behaviours for elements …


I came across this topic searching for a similar problem/solution.

And thank you so much for providing your example document! I was just wondering if there was a way to set the same function that reacts to vertical mouse movements…

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you! :grinning: