Changing Hypes Zoom Quick Keys

Anyone know how to change Hypes Quick Keys? CMD + > or < just throws the Preferences panel.

I wish there is pinch zoom in and out.


CMD + > or <
I agree, It is not practical and slow to use,
CMD + or CMD - would be much better

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It’s (SHIFT)+(CMD)+< and (SHIFT)+(CMD)+> for zoom controls just (CMD)+< gets the prefs :wink:

I agree though maybe a (CMD)- or (CMD)+ would be more suitable


A quick way to change your shortcuts or add new shortcuts to the menus in HYPE (or any other app on a mac while we’re at it ;))

1.go to System Preferences and click on the keyboard section on the shortcuts tab and then click on the + at the bottom.

  • Choose your app (Hype 3 in this case) from the drop down menu
  • Type in the menu title exactly as it appears in your app (in this case “Zoom In”)
  • And then your new (or replacement) shortcut (here ⌘=)

and then go to HYPE and check out the change :smile:

rinse and repeat for the other shortcut

Hope this helps!



you are Rock!
I didn’t knowed this great option, now I’m going to add CMD + / - on the rest of my apps :smile:

Hello thx for the tip but can’t fine any + bouttons on the Kboard section of SysPref …

the only one i’m interested in changing is :slight_smile:

    instead of the noisy “i need both hands” to acces CMD+CTRL+K …

how can i do that ?

You need to first go to “App Shortcuts” to see the + button in the Shortcuts area of the Keyboard Pref Pane. Because Set Capo is in a submenu, you need to use a dash and greater-than sign to represent this:

Animation->Capo->Set Capo