In the view port it all works fine… when I preview in browers the Coloured layers are not aligned up correctly :S ??? If you open the Hype file you will understand
Thanks in advance anyone who helps! (1.1 MB)
I admit that is an odd one. One fix and probably a good approach is the select all the elements that need to stay together and group them. Then put edge anchors on the group
I thinkkkkk I have a problem… I just turned off ALL anchors and all pins and now somethings have not resized correctly…
It as if I need to make sure every image files source width is consistent. (Not using change width in Hype?)…
Ok I seem to be having this problem across other files ! hmmmm strange
It maybe something to do with the pngs!!
I don’t think so… I re create the whole thing slowly and see when the error happens
The all pins on keeps items centered, but proportionate to their center point. Thus as the elements have different center points these will diverge as the window gets bigger.
I think this is the best solution: