App built with Hype Pro and Xcode/Swift in App Store

I built 2 Apps with Xcode and Hype. Animations are done with Hype Pro, menu structure with Xcode/Swift.
The app helps competitive sailors navigate through a course. When you start a sailing match, 10 minutes before the start procedure, you get to see/hear what course you need to be sailing. While focussing on getting the best position at the starting line, you also need puzzle with a piece of paper on which course you need to go and on which side you need to round the mark. I’m a sailor myself, and decided to fix this problem.
Thanks to Hype, I was able to put together quite a complex animation series about the sailing courses. Each course contains hundreds of animations, the course, the different sailboats, the rounding of the marks, etc etc.

Sorry, the app is for 2 lakes in The Netherlands, the wording on iTunes and a few parts in the app are in Dutch, but you certainly will get the idea about the Hype animations. Google translate will help out, if you really want to read it… :wink: Hope you like it.
Would appreciate feedback! Thanks
Here are the 2 urls:
Banenkaart Loosdrecht:
Banenkaart Vinkeveen:

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