Pointer wont change when applied to HTML widget

Click me I am a Screenshot

Im using a 360 view, but I want the pointer to change to “move” state, but I haven’t found a way to do so, I know it is possible to change the pointer style by using this feature in Hype but it wont work when applied to the HTML Widget, or at least to THIS widget in particular.

Here you can find the working (so far) site: http://gsgpetroleum.businesscatalyst.com/hype/heuristic/#espacios

Is there another way to force the cursor to change only on this scene? Thanks in advance for your time.

This would require that you change the HTML within your HTML widget – when it is in an HTML widget, it is essentially in a different isolated window.

You can use #elementid {cursor:move;} on your element within your HTML widget.

More info: https://css-tricks.com/using-css-cursors/


there is no need to use an iFrame. a standard hypeelement will do the job …

Thats interesting, but isn’t an HTML Widget technically a hype element?

I tried to find more info about it in the Hype documentation but I just found information about the widget.

widget means an iFrame will be inserted. so the result is an document within a document. this makes it difficult to interact. in your case the pointerchange. if you don’t need an iFrame you should not use it.