Opening a hype file in a stand alone

I have a Hype file that I will be using for students. I will be using this file only on one computer. And the screen will be projected onto a large screen for all to see. Students come up to the computer and click next to their name and sign out.
The program is a simple(I’m sure it wasn’t simple to make) check out and check in and check out hype file. That a forum member was so nice to make for me.

Right now when I preview the file it opens up in a browser and it works great. Is there a way to lock the screen on that browser so no one can accidentally or intentionally get out of it. I could put Google in full screen presentation mode but students can easily get out of it by moving the mouse up to the top of the screen. The file is only one screen with no need to go to other screens within the hype file I hope im clear.


What you’re looking for is “kiosk” software. I’m aware there’s many different options (museums and such love them), but I don’t have a recommendation as I don’t use them myself!

Yes that could work. I guess my question is. What do people do when they make a program with hype and they want that program to only open up on its own without a web browser ? Is there an export setting for that?
Or do you always have to go the way of a browser to open it up?

Yes that could work. I guess my question is. What do people do when they make a program with hype and they want that program to only open up on its own without a web browser ? Is there an export setting for that?
Or do you always have to go the way of a browser to open it up?


Here’s a few Kiosk options: Displaying a Tumult Hype document in a Kiosk or as an app

Many folks will make an Xcode project and include the Hype document in an app that's basically a large web view. Hype doesn't currently have any export options to produce an Xcode project automatically.


Have a look here