Mouseover mouseout delay

Hi, I have an issue with quick “mouseover” and “mouseout” movements:
In my example (see .zip-file) there are “badges”, which are visible at mouseover and non-visible at mouseout (move the mouse over the blue numbers).
There seems to be a kind of delay when you quickly “wipe” the mouse over a number; the mouseover and mouse out functionality is not fast enough, so that the badges stay visible.
I made this with symbols and behaviors.
How can I achieve that properly?
Thanks for help! (2.3 MB)

Unfortunately browsers do not track those events with a great deal of reliability. I have found that Safari is smarter about rapid mouseover movements then Chrome or Firefox. Your best bet is to make your targets larger and make sure that you have some sort of timer in place so that your badges reset if a mouse out event has not been detected.

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added a mousemoveevent to the map to switchoff everything, but this also doesen’t work 100%,
i’d rethink the approach and let the user close the detailed information before he can go further … (2.2 MB)

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Thank You very much for your proposals! I found a solution in using javascript “visible” and “hidden” commands at mouseover and -out. That works fine for me.

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