To have never visit the scene again, you’d want to remove the scene name from the list of scenes to potentially visit. The javascript code for a mouse click action would look like:
// create an array search function if it doesn't exist (for old versions of IE)
var myIndexOf = (function (haystack, needle) {
if(haystack.indexOf) {
return haystack.indexOf(needle);
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < haystack.length; i++) {
if(haystack[i] == needle) {
return i;
return -1;
// setup the scenes the first time this is called
if(window.remainingSceneNames == null) {
// two options:
// #1: use all the scenes automatically
window.remainingSceneNames = hypeDocument.sceneNames();
// #2: use specific names of scenes (uncomment and name scenes to use)
//window.remainingSceneNames = ["Scene3", "Scene4", "Scene5"];
// as a starting condition, remove the scene I am currently in
var currentSceneIndex = myIndexOf(window.remainingSceneNames, hypeDocument.currentSceneName());
if(currentSceneIndex != -1) {
window.remainingSceneNames.splice(currentSceneIndex, 1);
// test to see if there are any scenes to go to. If not, don't do anything
if(window.remainingSceneNames.length <= 0) {
// choose a random scene
var randomSceneIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.remainingSceneNames.length);
var randomSceneName = window.remainingSceneNames[randomSceneIndex];
// go to that scene
// remove it from the list of available scenes
window.remainingSceneNames.splice(randomSceneIndex, 1);
Here’s the document showing it off: (56.7 KB)
Note that the button will still appear clickable. If you wanted a different behavior, you’d want to inspect the window.remainingSceneNames
variable and change the button based on that. You might add an On Scene Load javascript that would do something like:
if(window.remainingSceneNames != null && window.remainingSceneNames.length == 0) {
var randomSceneButtonElement = document.getElementsByClassName("randomSceneButton")[0];
hypeDocument.setElementProperty(randomSceneButtonElement, "opacity", .5);
(this relies on your buttons having the class name of randomSceneButton, added in the element inspector)
Hope that helps!