Insert button inside a draggable group of element

Hello everyone !
For my latest project, I have a group draggable from left to right. ( rectangle with ellipse at the bottom) drag function is ok, but I need to place action inside the group. I mean, I created a button just for going to scene 3, which I put inside the group, and it doesn’t work. Is it impossible to insert a button inside the draggable group? Does I need to manage with javascript ?
Here is the file, keep in mind it’s in progess, and don’t mind the others javascript. My problem is on drag group.
Thank you everyone ! (217.0 KB)

It works ???

ok, it doesn’t not work with the preview in google chrome. what does it mean? do you have any solution?

This seems to be an oddity with Chrome and the jQuery Drag API you are using.

If you use Hypes Drag Actions along with a timeline animation all works as expected . (249.7 KB)


Thank you so much ! I am first level with Hype, and at every project I want to improve my technique learning something new. And you did learn me something very interesting ! I never tried action on slide. In fact doesn’t need drag code ! :grinning:
I will definitely test another project with this tips.
Thanks !