Ensure mobile version shows correct version of an Iframe

Hi Guys,

I am using an Iframe to show this page

Feel free to donate…

When I view the page via Hype Reflect the mobile version does not show. However if I view https://www.gofundme.com/Liftkeith directly on the Iphone I get the mobile version showing.

Is there a fix for this please?


Steve Warby

We don’t do anything special when placing content in an iframe, so it is more up to the page you place in an iframe to do the right thing. If it doesn’t look correct, you may want to use one of their widgets which will be more optimized for iframes: http://support.gofundme.com/hc/en-us/articles/203604554-How-do-I-use-Widgets-and-Badges-

Hi Daniel,

I got their widgets and one of them is a simple button with donate now. I can use this on a mobile page.

However when the project is uploaded to my server www.bandofbuilders.co.uk (please don’t share as we are not finished yet ) the mobile version is displayed properly but the donate button and the share on Facebook buttons fail.

Anyone know of a workaround ?


Steve Warby


You may find that the function of the donate now is not working because (and this is the same with Facebook) of cross origin. They have probably set the donate page for SAMEORIGIN (it’s a security thing because you might be pretending to be that page and to get money from users) It’s not a Hype problem per se and there wouldn’t be a workaround. You would just have to send the users to the gofundme website (such as what your green button does)