Background color | Transparent

My Expand-Banners don’t have a transparent background. There is the Document options to make the background-color; transparent.

But as soon as I export my document is Transparent, but the Divs generated from the Hype-library.js have a white background-color again.

This is something I do not want. See the example link in this post.

It must be something simple, but I am overlooking it.

Second problem ist: Wenn I set the scene Background color to be rgba it automaticly changes back to rgb. Thus losing it’s transparency.

Here we see the set RGBA:

Once I click the option field once more, it is set to RGB:

That is not really how it should work. :slight_smile:

Scene background color transparency wasn’t really supported, and it was a bug that the color picker panel showed the alpha value. This has been removed in Hype v3.6+.

So if I understand this correctly I will not be able to have transparent backgrounds anymore? That would be a sad thing. Because it did work, but only in a buggy way.


Though to clarify the “Make background transparent” option works just fine, this is only about scene background color values; depending on your document, you may want to use this option. It may also be possible to use CSS to override the scene background color.

I figured out a workaround for this…

Set the background to a unique color and copy the Hex value. ie #797979
Export your project.
Open up the hype_generated_script.js file.
Search the file for your unique Hex value. (#797979)
Change the value to #00FFF. (should look like this: c:"#00FFF")
Hit save.
Open your html file in a browser to see the result.
Light a cigar and pour your self a drink…and you’re done.

Or just add the css to the head.?

What would the selector be for the scene?

I found the selector: .HYPE_scene

This works when using the html file…
I needed to use the scene as an element to be dropped into an app by another Dev team so I wanted to work with no html file or additional css.


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oh I just found this…duh

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I was going to chime in about this, but as you replied right below my post with this line I figured you had different needs!

Note that this is just for the scenes; there are some cases where folks have needed the HTML itself to be transparent (say embedding into another app) and that would require body CSS.